Morning Show Host Talks Craft
Spirit Distillers with Mike Strohm
Perhaps you’ve heard of fine wine and craft spirits distributor Vintegrity before, but have you heard us on the radio? If you’re a regular listen to classic rock on 101 KCFX “The Fox,” (live in Kansas City and streaming throughout the world), then you may have been lucky enough to hear the morning show host Slacker talk craft spirits with Vintegrity representative Mike Strohm.
Craft Spirit Distilleries On the Rise
As a self-proclaimed fan of craft spirits, KCFX morning DJ Slacker was excited about the rapid growth of craft spirits across the country. With such a wide variety of craft distilleries gaining momentum, Slacker asked Vintegrity Kansas City sales representative Mike Strohm to expound on how Vintegrity creates awareness for these smaller distilleries and their great portfolios.
Vintegrity takes pride in discovering fine smaller distilleries from around the nation and getting these high quality craft spirits into the hands of not only Kansas Citians but also other markets throughout Missouri and Kansas. As Strohm put it, “We represent a lot of these smaller brands that don’t have the big advertising budget but are doing great things…. which is where the big brands started.”

Vintegrity’s Mike Strohm
Slacker pointed out that many consumers learning about the spirit industry have a tendency to dive right into higher end, brand name spirits and more expensive whiskeys – the reality is, however, that many of the big brand name spirits may not be particularly well-suited to the buyer’s personal palate. Strohm agreed, commenting: “Every person has a different flavor profile. The [craft] distilleries and the blenders…are able to put what they believe will not only sell for them but what the public will really enjoy.”
When Slacker first tried single malt Japanese whiskeys, he was not much of a fan. Prior to the KCFX interview however, Strohm shared a craft product or two that Slacker truly enjoyed! Strohm explained that the St. George Single Malt comes from St. George’s Spirits out of Alameda, California and is a California take on the Japanese spin on Scotch whisky.
Slacker described a very tastefully delicate palate: “it was wonderful…it was very complex, just very delicate.” Strohm explained how both malts are crafted, commenting “The traditional whiskey flavor is still there, but not overpowering.”
Craft Distilleries In KC Area
Craft distilleries have taken off around the world and across the nation – and, as Slacker noted, there are several local craft distilleries in Kansas City’s own backyard. Describing Tom’s Town’s Pendergast Gold, Slacker said it was “everything I look for in a whiskey.” Vintegrity, as Slacker noted, “gives local spirit makers the opportunity to have their product be enjoyed around Kansas City.”
Vintegrity also features several incredible wines! As Strohm mentioned, “We do everything from smaller wineries to larger ones.”
Interested in learning more about the craft distillery movement or in Vintegrity’s craft spirits? The full interview is only seven minutes and can be found below!
For more information on carrying great craft spirits and fine wines, contact Vintegrity today!